What is the real purpose of the fed, you should know

 Do you think the real purpose of FED is to curb inflation? Do you understand the real reason for raising interest rates and tightening balance sheets?

1. Strengthen the global dominance of the US dollar

2. Suppress raw material prices

3. Attract foreign capital to the United States

4. Crack down on cryptocurrencies and curb illegal money laundering circulation channels; and mainly prevent Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, etc. from using cryptocurrencies as a trading medium after being sanctioned by the financial system

Therefore, "austerity" is actually a very powerful political and economic strategic goal, but most people ignore it and only focus on inflation, interest rates, and economic downturn. This is what they want!

Using various data as a reason for "inflation" is just an "excuse"! So you can see that although the central bank is tightening, the governments of the ruling teams of various countries, especially the Biden administration, have been expanding fiscally; this is what is happening now! It will continue until the middle of 2023. People on Wall Street are blindly analyzing and exaggerating the so-called "forecasts", which happens to be led by the nose! The ups and downs of stocks have their own causes and effects. It is the truth to focus on the profitability of the industry and the trend and dynamic changes of the stock price, and the rest is disturbed by itself.

Therefore, "inflation" is just a false excuse to raise interest rates, and so is shrinking the balance sheet, because inflation can be managed administratively, and the Fed sells bonds to shrink the balance sheet, but the Ministry of Finance spends money to buy bonds and expand fiscal expenditures! It can be seen that it is average!

Because it is an issue under the pretense, good data is regarded as bad, and bad data is regarded as bullish.

The Bank of Japan did not want to turn around at all. The maintenance of the yen at the beginning and the current bond policy are also responding to the request of the United States, because Japan still hopes that the yen will remain low. So the Bank of Japan is still releasing water and subsidies in EQ, and so is China!

On the surface, the European Central Bank is following the tightening, but the governments of various countries have not taken any action! Keep expanding the economy!

The prosperity and weakness of the industry is only a matter of supply and demand of "inventory". The rise in the price of Minsheng is also the increase in service wages, and the raw materials have not risen at all! The industry is a cycle or an excessive backup during the epidemic period. The increase in service wages is also the reason for manufacturers to push prices, because wages do not account for the largest cost, and this should be controllable. Temporary laissez-faire is also to let the "inflation worry" have a good effect Excuse!



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